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Jakson "Thunderfoot" Spires au paradis des rockers

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Jimmy B
Chef de Tribu

Inscrit le: 12 May 2002
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Localisation: France

MessagePosté le: 06 Oct 2005 12:09    Sujet du message: Jakson "Thunderfoot" Spires au paradis des rockers Répondre en citant

Jakson "Thunderfoot" Spires
12 Avril 1951 / 16 Mars 2005

Le batteur de rock Jakson "Thunderfoot" Spires est disparu le 16 mars 2005.

Sources : http://www.blackfootrocks.com

http://www.sleazeroxx.com/news05/0316spi.shtml a écrit:

March 16, 2005

Original drummer, songwriter for BLACKFOOT, Jakson "Thunderfoot" Spires passed away this morning in Ft Pierce, FL from a massive brain aneurism. Jakson was a primary songwriter in Blackfoot during 70's and 80's that yielded classics like "Highway Song", "Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie", "On The Run" and the incredible ballad "Diary of a Working Man". Jakson's contribution to Blackfoot helped make the band platinum status rock stars in the UK and preferred worldwide touring partners of Ted Nugent, The Who, Iron Maiden and The Scorpions. The powerhouse of Spires, Rickey Medlocke, Greg T. Walker and Charlie Hargrett proved that the sum of each part was bigger than the total of any one member.....they collectively reinvented the phrase "Take NO Prisoners!". Upon the initial breakup of Blackfoot, Jakson formed The Southern Rock Allstars and continued to tour with former members of Rossington/Collins Band & Molly Hatchet. Recently Blackfoot reunited with Greg T. Walker, Charlie Hargrett, Jakson and Bobby Barth, replacing now Skynyrd guitarist Rickey Medlocke. The band was is in the process of gearing up for a worldwide tour in 2005 and reports from the band say the tour will happen. Details from the band are available at www.blackfootrocks.com

Jakson Spires was and will always be a true friend to rock & roll. To his credit, millions of rock fans around the world are wealthier souls to have seen, heard or known him.

R.I.P. Jak

Courtesy of www.blackfootrocks.com

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