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Décès de Babatunde Olatunji !

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Jimmy Braun
Chef de Tribu

Inscrit le: 12 May 2002
Messages: 2135
Localisation: France

MessagePosté le: 19 Apr 2003 19:00    Sujet du message: Décès de Babatunde Olatunji ! Répondre en citant

"Le rythme est l'âme de la vie. L'univers entier tourne autour du rythme.Tout et chaque action humaine gravite dans le rythme." Olatunji Babatunde

Le percussionniste Babatunde Olatunji (nigérian d'origine) est disparu le Dimanche 6 avril 2003 à l'âge de 75 ans aux Etats-Unis où il vivait depuis plusieurs années (à New York). (Sources : [url]OlatunjiMusic.com[/url])

Né au Nigéria, Babatunde émigre vers les années 50' aux Etats-Unis. Il joue et compose en multipliant les rencontres ; Serge Gainsbourg reprendra en particulier un standard traditionnel (d'origine Yoruba) sous le nom de "New York USA" - Akywowo rendu célèbre par Babatunde Olatunji.

Lié d'amitié avec plusieurs musiciens et certains jazzmen comme John Coltrane - dont un enregisterment public légendaire, intitulé The Olatunji Concert réédité en 2001 - Yusef Lateef, Clark Terry ou encore Mickey Hart.

Son premier album "Drums of Passion" a été réédité à plusieurs reprises. Musicien atypique, il part en tournée avec Martin Luther King. Carlos Santana fera appel à ce grand maître dans les années 80' pour un enregistrement qui le replace au devant de la scène mondiale.

OlatunjiMusic.com a écrit:
Biographical Information

"Rhythm is the soul of life. The whole universe revolves in rhythm. Everything and every human action revolves in rhythm." - Olatunji Babatunde Olatunji is "Master of Drums," a virtuoso of West African percussion. Born and raised in Nigeria, Olatunji was educated at Morehouse College in Atlanta and the New York University Graduate School. At Morehouse, he began performing informally, entertaining fellow students. As the demand for his music increased, he entered the professional music field.

In 1959, Columbia Records released Olatunji's first album, Drums of Passion, which became an unprecedented, worldwide smash hit. It was the first album to bring genuine African music to Western ears, and it went on to sell over five million copies. Olatunji has traveled the world for forty years spreading his music and African culture. Thirty years ago, he founded the Olatunji Center of African Culture in the heart of Harlem and he has been a member of the faculties at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California and the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York for almost 15 years. At these institutions, as well as at innumerable workshops and festivals, Olatunji continues to pursue his strong commitment to spreading knowledge of African culture through the teaching of traditional drumming, dancing, and chanting in classes for adults and young people.

Olatunji received a Grammy Award in 1991 for his collaboration with Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart on their Planet Drum album. In addition, his composition "Jingo Lo Ba" has become a signature song for the rock group Santana. Olatunji also has written scores for Broadway and Hollywood productions, including the music for She's Gotta Have It, a film by Spike Lee.

In 1997, Chesky Records released love drum talk, which went on to be nominated for the 1998 Grammy for Best World Music Album. On it, Olatunji unleashes the rhythm of passion. Olatunji leads an ebullient ensemble of guitarists, singers and, of course, percussionists through a series of spirited meditations on the nature of love. Lust, kinship, sensuality, courtship, and spirituality are the themes Olatunji uses to fuel his joyous, infectious playing.

Recorded using 96kHz/24-bit technology and available both as a CD and a startlingly present-sounding DVD, love drum talk brings you right to the core of Olatunji's musical celebration. You'll hear every palm on every drum and every finger on every string. You'll be stunned by the sound, but the music will make you want to move. This is the sound of love, and Babatunde Olatunji is asking you to dance.
htpp://www.olatunjimusic.com ©2001

Son site Officiel : http://www.olatunjimusic.com

Interviews en anglais du maître http://www.furious.com/perfect/olatunji.html et http://www.drumcircle.com/arthurian/baba.html

Voici un des nombreux liens où se trouve une retranscription du pattern rythmique du célèbre opus Akiwowo (transformé en New-York USA par Serge Gainsbourg) http://www.cse.ogi.edu/Drum/groove/akiwowo.html

["Le bruit règne en maître sur la sensibilité humaine" | Luigi Russolo ]
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